Friday 23 November 2007

Winter Has Come!!

Brrrr It's absolutly freezing here in the East Coast of Scotland. It was 1 degree this morning and I don't think it has gotten any better as the day has went on. I have my wee fire on in the shop and thank god it's only me in here so I can hog it!!

I have not really said much inmy blog for a while, I guess there has not been much happening to talk about really, all I seem to do is work and stay in at home, to dark and cold to think about anything else, I could always card all my craft stuff home from the shop and get making my Christmas cards but then I have to bring it all back again, hu can't win!

I did finally manage to get round to see my Brothers Girlfriend Nicole and my niece on Wed, my niece Chloe was 1 in Aug and she is just so cute. She is going to have a new baby brother or sister soon, Nicole is due on the 7th Dec which happens to be my Brother Barry's 30th Birthday. This is going to be so exiting, can't wait to be an auntie Gail again.

I wanted to get some piccys of Chloe but I left my camera in the shop, so I took some with my phone camera, but I have no idea how I am supposed to transfer them onto my PC? Nicole said she would send me some more, then I can make a LO to put in a frame.

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