Friday 20 April 2007


Okay so I am not that great at keeping up to date with this blogging stuff!
So what's been happening? Well I have had a weekend out in Glasgow for my friends henny. We started it off by Train from Montrose, went shopping in the City in the afternoon then in the evening the blonde wigs came out (I hated mine as it was a replacement for mine, as it never came in time and this was not an option according to host Debbie!) and we went to the Italian Kitchen for a meal. Then the bars and clubs, finishing off in a club called Jumpin Jacks. this is where I bumped into a soap star, (all be it he is from a Scottish soap - River City). So here is Shell Suit Bob and Me. By the way I look smaller than him in the picture but I was crouching down as he is a short guy.
All the girls with their wigs on and Debbie the bride to be with her Tiara and wig, she is so photogenic.

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