Tuesday 2 January 2007

New Years Resolutions

Well here goes another New Years Resolution list, this year mine consists of :

1. To eat more healthy and lose some weight.(I went food shopping today so this might work, and I am going back to my gluten free diet!)

2. To get up earlier so I'm not rushing about every morning.(Start next week once the boys are back to school)

3. To create a web blog and keep it up to date.(Whey hey it's here with a big help from Scrappyfairy from UKS x)

4. To make more of an effort to meet up with friends and family.(Already organised friends round for a meal on Sat)

5. Not got a 5th one but I'm sure with time I will have created one!!

Well today i didn't do very much, went to Tesco to do a food shop in the afternoon, and boy was it busy. Went to visit my cousin who's husband has a bout of the flu. (No New Years Kiss from me to him then!)Then back home to unpack the shopping, a job I totally hate doing and made the tea, the first home cooked meal of the year, yum Enchiladas. All in all a quiet day.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Gail, these resolutions sound just like mine, hee hee
Looking forward to "meeting" you at Stitches
Angela xx