Monday 8 January 2007

Stirling Papercraft Show

After Sat evening getting up early was not on my agenda! But I didn't want to miss the show so, a drive to Stirling it was. After getting lost I eventually found where I was meant to be. The show was hosted by Trimcraft and it was the first time they had done a show in Scotland. They had a some new products on display including their own brand Dovecraft which is in the process of being re-branded with new black labels which I personally think is much nicer and trendier than the old style of packaging.
So what did I order?? Well there were some Dovecraft paper packs which are a completely new line for Dovecraft as they have never done papers before, plus they will be in 6 x 6 , 8 x 8, and 12 x 12 packs. They have some really nice Jewel Brads which I just had to have, some new templates to make petals and butterflies. Some loose sheets of 12 x 12 DCWV Far East and Pocket Full of Posies papers, which have glitter on them, just scrummy!! These new products won't be in the shop until the middle of February.
In February I am attending Stitches, the Trade Show at the NECC in Birmingham, where all the suppliers are promoting their products and I will be attending some workshops. For once I will be able to play and craft to my hearts content!!


Rhi said...

The paper packs sound great, roll on February!

Angela said...

Looking forward to meeting you in Feb